Travel Typing

We really need to take more trips. I can’t tell you how many blog posts I write on the airplane or while driving up the highway (well, I can say this is #4 for this 2 hour and 20 minute flight that’s not even on final approach yet).

It’s like the ideas just flow when I’m stuck with nothing else to do. When I don’t have to tend to my children (since they’re contained and either sleeping or entertained in some other way). When I can’t watch TV or just lay around. When I can’t make excuses for all the other things I can or should be doing.

All the ideas that have been circling my mind for the past few days/weeks/months just spew onto my iPad (with tons of errors as my fingers type furiously on the pretend keyboard!) and the words come together beautifully and effortlessly. Without the interruptions and complications of everyday life.

Just me and my writing. Just me and my blog.
