Category: Tiny Travelers

Safely Flying with Children

This week I shared on Facebook that Canada’s Transportation Safety Board is recommending that it become required that all passengers, including children under the age of 2, be required to have their own seat on the airplane. …

Flying While Pregnant

Many women will be told that they should not fly while pregnant, especially near the end of the pregnancy, but my pregnancies have never stopped me.  I flew home to Colorado for my baby shower …

Best Things About Dublin

Oh how I missed Dublin!  The city which we called home for 2 1/2 years quickly re-wrapped me in its splendor.  After nearly three years gone, it oddly felt like we’d never left. My body …

What Are All the Rainbow Flags For?

They’re everywhere, you can’t miss them. On all the government buildings, on all the major street corners. Hanging from pubs, shops and balconies. Rainbows everywhere the eye can see. Honeybun’s question was innocent enough as …

Three Days in Dublin

We have successfully finished our third and final day in Dublin without hubby. While some people think I’m crazy for taking on a foreign city alone with three kids (while prenant, no less!) I wouldn’t …
Just Who They Are

Just Who They Are

We’ve now been in Dublin two whole days and have knocked a lot off of my initial “Must Do” list (follow me on Instagram to keep up with all our doings!)  And while I can’t …

A Curriculum Unit on France

Last week we dove head first into our European Learning Adventure, starting with France (per Honeybun’s request..she thinks she’s French because she attended a French preschool in Dublin and learned two whole French words!).  I …

Top Ten Must Dos in Dublin

I can’t even believe that in less than a week we will be back in Dublin!  The past almost three years since we left have seemed to just fly by and I am excited beyond …

A European Learning Adventure

Honeybun has had a bit of a disappointing time in life lately.  First we moved her a whole half hour away from her friends.  Then we planned a really awesome trip this summer that she …