Category: Tiny Travelers

2015 No Thank You List

I’m not a typical blogger with a holiday gift guide.  Instead I do a “No Thank You” list of gifts I don’t want for my kids this year!  (See 2014 and 2013). I’ve got a new baby …

Easing Family Travel

I’ve written a lot about traveling as a family and most of the time, our trips go well.  We’ve figured out how to make family travel easier and less stressful for our family even as we’ve …

A Trip of Firsts

One of the things that has always left me in wonder about babies is the idea that everything they see and do is new.  They are constantly having firsts, seeing things for the first time, …

Home Again, Home Again

This week we FINALLY made it back to Colorado.  It doesn’t seem like that long since we were last here, but in reality it’s been 15 months since the last time my feet were on …

That Moment When…

You take the kids out to a quick lunch after shoe shopping because you realized when packing for your trip tomorrow that neither of your daughters has cold-appropriate shoes to take and as you pull …
Best underrated attractions at Disney World for babies and toddlers

Doing Disney with a Toddler

Well, we survived our first Disney weekend with 4 kids and while hubby did all the “big kid” rides with the girls, I was stuck with a lot of time on my own with the …

And then Disney did Me In!

After what has felt like the longest pregnancy in all eternity, I have to admit that August snuck up on me!  What I expect to baby #4’s birth month is here long before we’re ready. …

Rear-Facing on the Airplane

Our family survived our latest traveling adventure.  Five airplane rides, totaling over 20 hours in-air time, it’s easy to say we are happy to be home!  But I also can’t say it wasn’t that terrible.  …