Category: Baby Business

Packing Partners

We’re heading to Disney for a few days but with 4 kids ranging in age from 3 months to 7 years, even just a short trip up the road involves major planning, preparation and most of …

2015 No Thank You List

I’m not a typical blogger with a holiday gift guide.  Instead I do a “No Thank You” list of gifts I don’t want for my kids this year!  (See 2014 and 2013). I’ve got a new baby …

The Truth Behind the C-Section Rate

It’s no secret that the national c-section rate is hovering somewhere near 1/3 of all births.  And most people will probably agree that the rate is way too high.  The World Health Organization believes that the target rate …

Jingle Bells: A Holiday Parenting Song

Sometimes I like to re-write songs/poems to match my life (like my “Two Weeks Before Christmas” and “In Summer”).  So here’s my latest version of Jingle Bells: Dashing through the rain With a baby in …

When Life Happens, Blogging Doesn’t

I went to share a previous post on Facebook tonight and was shocked to notice that I’ve only added three new posts in the past week.  Honestly, I think that’s an all-time low in my blogging …

Leaving Baby for the First Time

Tonight is a big night for our family.  Doodle is going to try staying the night with my parents and it’s my first time leaving baby.  Amazingly, Pipsqueak just attained the ripe age of three …
Fun facts about the reality of postpartum recovery

Fun Facts About Postpartum Recovery

When I had Honeybun over 7 years ago, no one really talked about what would happen AFTER the baby was here.  I was discharged from the hospital with a newborn, the words “take your pain …

To Schedule or Not to Schedule

In parenting, there are a lot of things that will get you a million different answers depending on who you ask: breastfeeding, co-sleeping, vaccinating, starting solids, sleep training…  And a lot of times, the answers …