
Sometimes it’s just all too much.

Sometimes I don’t feel cut out for this huge task I’ve undertaken.

Sometimes I am amazed by the strength of other mommies.

Sometimes I just want to scoop my babies up and never let them go.

Sometimes I am in awe of other mommy’s patience.

Sometimes I feel like my children need and deserve better.

Sometimes I am jealous of how other mommies show never ending love.

Sometimes I don’t want to be a good role model and would rather lose all control of myself

(Maybe sometimes I do…)

Sometimes I want a do-over.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the responsibility.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by how much I love my children.

Sometimes I wish I could be everything and do everything.

Sometimes I wish my kids could just stay little forever.

Sometimes I feel selfish for feeling sad or overwhelmed when other mommies have it much worse.

Sometimes we all just need a friend, a little support.

Someone to say “you’re doing a great job” and really mean it, to know that the person is not thinking the opposite in their head or silently judging our every move.

Someone to say “I know you’re doing your best” even on our most trying days when we feel like the worst mommy or completely inadequate to manage this huge task we have been given.

Someone to say “all that matters is that you love your children” on the days when we feel like we don’t have enough to give or are failing our children.

Someone to say “It’s okay, they still love you and you haven’t caused any harm” when the guilt over reacting too harshly in the heat of a silly moment overtakes you.

Someone to say “It’s not going to kill them, let it go” when you are worried about your kids and want to rush in and save the day.

Someone to say “I’ve been there, I bought the t-shirt, we all survived and I wear that gosh darn t-shirt proudly,” on days when we feel like giving up and like we have nothing else to give.

Sometimes a little support goes a long way and can make a huge difference in the lives of a mommy and therefore in the lives of her children.