Dear Mommy Friend

Dear Mommy Friend,

There’s just a few things I need to get off my chest, a few things I think you should know.

First off, Thank you.  Thank you for being my friend.  Thank you for letting your child be my child’s friend.  And most importantly, thank you for being your child’s mommy.

No matter how you parent your children, know that I do not judge you and, in fact, I respect you deeply for what you do for your children every day.  We may not agree on every parenting choice but I appreciate that we can discuss our struggles and joys without making each other feel inferior.  I appreciate that with all the pressure in the world to be a “good” mommy or to make the “right” choices, that when we are together we can just be the mommies that we are and that we are comfortable with that.

If I ever have or ever do make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy about your parenting choices, I’m sorry.  It’s not my intention to put you down, really I want to help lift you up.  I want to support you and walk with you along your mommying journey because we are in this together!

No matter what your circumstances are or what choices you’ve made (or not made or been forced into), I know you’re doing the best you are capable of and that’s what’s important because what really matters most in the end is that you love your children and they love you immensely in return.  You are the light of their life and no one will ever replace you because you are their mommy.

I see you struggle once in a while and it breaks my heart.  I see you questioning what you’re doing, second guessing your choices, regretting what you’ve done or feeling guilty about things that are or were out of your control.  I know mommying is hard but you need to know you’re doing an amazing job.  No matter what other people say or think or the looks they give you, just know I think you’re terrific (let’s face it, if you weren’t we probably wouldn’t be friends!)

Sometimes I think all we need in life to make mommying easier is a good friend (or two or three…or a dozen!) and I just have to say, I’m so thankful I have you in my life.  And I really truly, with all my heart and with all the intensity I love my children with, mean that.  You matter to me and I’m so happy to have you to call on, vent to and share my life and children with.