Back to the Bowl

We had a “deja vu” moment yesterday.  In November of 2010, when Sugarplum was a baby, I posted this status on Facebook: “Nothing says motherhood like holding your hysterical infant while your two year old throws up all over you.”

Well, last night’s status could have read:  “Nothing says motherhood like taking your feeding infant off your boob just in time for your three year old to throw up all over you.”

Poor Sugarplum who managed to miss the stomach bug the rest of us suffered through in February (see “The Bowl Brigade”) has come down with something.  She was extremely tired yesterday and didn’t eat lunch, instead opting for an early nap which is very much unlike her.  After nap she was very lethargic and running a fever (though I was unable to track down a thermometer to see how high.)  As she wasn’t showing any other symptoms, I asked to see her tummy thinking it could be roseola.

Roseola is a viral infection that generally effects young children and involves a high fever and rash which appears on the tummy first.  Honeybun had it just days before Sugarplum was born.  It’s not a big deal, you just have to wait for it to pass.

Well, as Sugarplum lifted her shirt for me, she began whining and I could tell something was wrong.  I pulled Doodle away from his feed, handed him to my mom and put Sugarplum on my lap, where she threw up.  Everywhere!  Poor girl, it just kept coming.  When she was finally done, we both took a nice, long shower.

We had dinner plans with a friend from college an hour after the ordeal started and Sugarplum insisted she still wanted to go.  I gave her a bowl to hold in the car and covered her chin to toes with a towel.  At dinner I kept her to only eating plain bread, applesauce and water and she seemed much better.  Until midnight when she threw up all over her bed.

This morning she seems okay again, but I’m not taking any chances this time!  I’ve only given her small sips of water and some saltine crackers.  We’re headed off to brunch in a little while and I’m not sure how that’s going to go with keeping her away from too much rich stuff.  I’m really just hoping that she doesn’t get sick again and most importantly that no one else gets sick either, especially tiny little Doodle!