The Bowl Brigade

We’ve always been a relatively healthy family.  Aside from the usual colds that go around and a case of family pink eye last year (everyone but me got it), we’ve not had much else.  I’ve had more ear infections in the past few years than my children have had combined and we rarely see the doctor for “sick” visits other than weird things like bleeding bellybuttons and strange looking bug bites.

Then we get to yesterday.  I’d been lounging in bed all day after a night of throwing up (amazingly, my first time throwing up in the entire 27 weeks of this pregnancy).  Luckily Grandma and Grandpa are in town and were able to come over and help with the girls.  After nap time, Honeybun had ballet class and was sluggish getting ready.  I climbed my sore and tired little body out of bed and helped her get dressed.  She wanted Grandma to do her hair and that is when chaos ensued: cue Honeybun and projectile vomiting.

Luckily quick thinking Grandma saw a clean diaper nearby and was able to catch most of the vomit in that.  When we thought she was done, we rushed her to the bathroom, leaving a trail of pukey footsteps (ballet tights are amazingly absorbent!).  Honeybun got hysterical as Grandma instructed her to try to throw up in the toilet meanwhile Grandpa starts cleaning up the mess and little Sugarplum (who has never witnessed throwing up before) is running around saying “oh no! oh no!” and I do my best to clean the floor before Sugarplum slips in it or it gets spread farther.

When Honeybun finally think she’s done I stripped her down and put her in the shower.  Helpful little Sugarplum (who had already been taking care of me all day) runs and gets me some shampoo.  Honeybun spends the rest of the night on the couch with a bowl.  The few times she did get up and move somewhere else, the bowl went with her.  Thankfully she had it the next two times she threw up.

Overnight was uneventful other than Sugarplum’s book curdling “Mommy!” at 1:30 in the morning when she had a bad dream.  But as fast as Honeybun’s sickness came on, I’m not taking any chances.  Now Sugarplum has her bowl to carry around and while I really hope she doesn’t need it, it’s better to be safe than sorry.  Honeybun  is home from school today and Grandma and Grandpa will be over soon to help again.  We’re all feeling better and hopefully today will be much less exciting than yesterday was.