Category: Family Ties

Mommy Belly Painting

When I was pregnant with Sugarplum, I had another friend pregnant with her second as well.  Her eldest is now in middle school but I vividly remember my dear friend’s profile picture from that time …

Struggles of Late Pregnancy

You’ll constantly hear pregnant women complaining about being uncomfortable the last few weeks of their pregnancies.  The waiting for baby can be exhausting and nerve-racking and the bigger baby gets, the more physically uncomfortable late …

A Selfless Act

This week marks a new beginning in our family journey.  A few months ago, I shared a post from Hubby regarding his family’s struggles with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and specifically how it has affected …

Big Brother in Waiting

Doodle has been extra snuggly lately, constantly wanting to be close to me.  He sits right next to me no matter what I’m doing.  He sits on what’s left of my lap whenever I’m on …

Ridiculous Questions About Large Families

I would guess it is expected that most people these day will eventually have children.  Some of those who chose to have children will stop after one wonderful (or difficult) child.  And while every family’s reasoning …

Family Movie Night

Usually we have a no screen time in our home.  The girls don’t get to watch TV throughout the day (and if someone else is watching and they get sucked in, mean mommy turns it …

Good-bye to our Great Grandparents

There have been a lot of big changes going on in our lives.  As we approach Doodle’s 2nd birthday and get closer to welcoming baby #4, we should be filled with joy and excitement.  But …

We Chose this Life

Sometimes I look at the craziness and chaos surrounding me and think to myself “how the heck did we get here?!?!” When asked in high school what I’d be doing in 5, 10, 15 years, …

Kids and Birth?

I got into hot topic conversation on Facebook this week.  It started as me truthfully answering a friends curiosity question.  And while I would usually leave it at that, or offer clarity/details if neccessary, I …

Farewell to 2014

A this year comes to a close and I take the time to refelct on the past 12 months, I feel somewhat surprised to be able to smile. This year has definitely not been the …