Baby Shark…Not Anymore!

When my littlest baby outgrew that brand new baby phase, I was heartbroken. And when my eldest, Honeybun, turned 5, I struggled with her growing up (can you believe that was my first ever birthday post on Beyond Mommying?!?)

Now, today, that baby turns 5!

Our family has moved past night feedings, diapers, baby wearing, strollers, and rear-facing car seats. Next week, when Pipsqueak officially starts his kindergarten work, we’ll have 4 school-aged kids, all homeschooling with me.

Four school-aged kids.

He has always just been along for the ride. My little sidekick as we’ve gone through days, weeks, months, and years getting his big brother and sisters all the places they needed to go. And what a ride it has been!

A lot has happened in the past 5 years since our last little guy came crashing into the world, and he has made every step of the way more interesting.

5 silly things about Pipsqueak:

  1. He has an infectious laugh.
  2. He loves to sing and dance (but won’t admit it.)
  3. He can’t sit next to me on the couch without “whomping” my nose at least once every 10 minutes.
  4. He speed walks like a little old lady.
  5. He always laughs when someone else does.

5 serious things about Pipsqueak:

  1. He still thinks he’s my baby and still likes to curl up in my lap or throw his body across mine whenever I let him.
  2. He doesn’t like when people stare at or talk about him (and will promptly hide under the table if you do.)
  3. He’s terrified of bees and other flying creatures since getting stung a few months ago.
  4. He’s really super good at puzzles.
  5. His favorite animal has been a shark since his last birthday when friends gifted him a stuffed shark.

5 strange things about Pipsqueak:

  1. His answer to any numbers question is always 119. Always.
  2. He’s become fascinated with “getting muscles” and runs and does exercise so he’ll have muscles before his birthday.
  3. He says “but my legs hurt” whenever he doesn’t want to do something (which started after he broke his foot, back when he could hardly talk).
  4. He’s been like the gym mascot since Sugarplum joined the team and all of her coaches and teammates have always adored him.
  5. He learned to ride his bike without training wheels when he was 4 1/2, less than 2 weeks after figuring out how to pedal.