Math and Science while Homeschooling through the Holidays

Halloween through Christmas often feels like a whirlwind. There’s so much going on, so much that I want to accomplish to make the holidays great (because if I mess it up, I have to wait an entire year to try again!) and, unfortunately, in our house that often means school gets pushed aside.

My kids certainly don’t mind that I’m busy with other things. And it’s not that I don’t value their education or want to make it a priority, it’s that I get stretched so thin that things (school) get forgotten.

Which is exactly why I work really hard throughout the year, and especially when homeschooling through the holidays, to take advantage of educational opportunities when they arise.

And one of those ways is through getting my kids involved with the holiday cooking and baking because, when you really think about it, there are so many math and science concepts that we take for granted when cooking and baking that can easily be pointed out and explained to your kids as you work together in the kitchen and as part of this year’s Homeschooling through the Holidays series on Life of a Homeschool Mom, I’ve listed all the ways I teach math and science in the kitchen.

You can also grab my free printable recipe adjustment worksheet that I use with my kids to help them figure out how to adjust recipes (double, halve, etc.) before we get started in the kitchen. It’s a great, real life way for kids to practice multiplying or dividing, especially with fractions when homeschooling through the holidays and trying to fit in learning wherever you can in the craziness!