This is Monday

When your day starts at 5:33 with a screaming baby, you’d think productivity would be at an all-time high by noon.

Except when you lay your drowsy baby down and you’re back in bed at 5:52 only to listen to him scream until 6:04 when you give up and get the baby out of bed and head downstairs. You’d think that one could achieve so much in the hour+ before the other 3 kids gets up.

Except when all you feel like you  can do is cry because you’re so exhausted from changing the kids’ bedtime to an hour later which also makes your bedtime an hour later and from waking up with the baby at least twice each night before finally being up by 6:30 with him.You’d think after two cups of coffee you’d be ready to take on the day.

Except when your day continues with 3 other whiney, exhausted children who are still waking up by 7:30 despite the hour later bedtime. You’d think that after getting everyone settled down after being up for 2 1/2 hours you’d have some motivation to do your Monday morning work.

Except when all the kids are crying and screaming because they’re 1) tired, 2) being hateful to each other and 3) all in bad “cycles” and all you can do is say “work it out.” You’d think with the kids doing their own thing you’d have plenty of time to achieve your morning tasks.

Except when you have a baby who is ready for nap by 8:00 but just won’t go to sleep and requires way too much nursing, rocking, back rubbing and shushing before finally settling down. You’d think once the baby is quiet, the toddler is playing and the girls are doing school (on their own!) that you’d finally be ready to do something.

Except you have no ideas in your exhausted brain except your to-do list which all require thinking and imagination. You’d think that by this time you’d just throw in the towel and say “maybe later.”

Except when you have goals and feeling like a failure again just isn’t something you’re interested in so you force yourself to do something. You’d think once you got started something would happen like it usually does.

Except when it doesn’t. And you’re still exhausted. And the kids are still whiney. And the motivation is still M.I.A. And two cups of coffee didn’t help. And the kids are restless. And it just doesn’t happen.

So you hit publish the boring details of your morning the life of a mommy with 4 kids.

This is Monday.

this is monday