Today I Heard it All!

I had to run around a little bit this morning.  After a week of putting things off, there was just stuff to get done for a variety of reasons: 1) There is a tropical storm heading our way and while we’re nearly 3 months into hurricane season, we haven’t yet officially prepared (read more on hurricane prep); 2) I’m having a baby someday and while we were fully prepared last Thursday when we thought s/he might come, supplies have dwindled; and 3) we are 5 people, living life, eating regularly and stuff just runs out sometimes!

And while I’ve avoided most of the nasty comments and annoying questions many pregnant women or mommies of larger families deal with, today was certainly the exception.  Whether it’s my ever-expanding form or the impending storm, people were definitely more friendly, chatty, inquisitive and opinionated today!

heard it all

We started with a stop at the post office (though not an official post office, one of the “approved retailer” types inside a shipping store).  As I waited in line, a little girl about Doodle’s age called over to my kids that there was a bird.  The other mommy, who also had an infant, and I made small talk as Doodle clung to my leg and my girls acted like they’ve never been out in public around other people before.  Then suddenly the clerk said “make sure to take care of this one fast!” gesturing towards me.  Assuming he was referring to my bulging belly, I smiled.

The conversation continued into the usual small talk of when I am due, the impending storm, what I’m having, etc. But ended strangely when the clerk asked me if I was the same woman that had been in the day before and said I’d be going to the hospital for my epidural before the storm hits for fear I wouldn’t be able to get it otherwise (certainly not me, I’m fully prepared for my homebirth!)

We then headed to Trader Joe’s where we met my parents.  One of the clerks stopped to ask what we were having (the SAME conversation about surprise babies I had about 1000x a day) and commented how she also has two girls and a boy.  Then Doodle dumped his trolley and I spilt my coffee trying to right it and the same clerk came to our rescue and probably thinking what a hot mess I was!

Then a middle-aged gentleman caught sight of the girls and me and said “oh, another one, huh?  Your third?”  I flashed my 4 fingers as I usually do when asked if this is my 1st, 2nd, 3rd then pointed back to Doodle and said “he’s mine, too!”  The gentleman then proceeded to speculate on this being my last (none of his business) and finished with “I hope your husband does well for himself” at which point I said “he does, thank you.” and rushed away.  (If only I had the rudeness in me to actually say the snappy things I think in my head!)

Our last stop was at Aldi and again, my belly was noticed by an older gentleman. He saw my girls walking as my mom pushed Doodle sitting in the trolley.  He pointed to my belly and with a big grin and said “is that your boy?!”  I pointed to Doodle and said “that’s my boy, we’re not sure about this one yet!”  He did a one-over of my shape and proclaimed “another boy because you know, boys always have it all out front both during pregnancy and after!”  Haven’t heard that one before!



    • Melissa August 28, 2015