Daily Food Chart

Last week we had donuts for breakfast one morning.  Immediately after finishing two, Honeybun was “still hungry” and asked to have some toast.  I suggested instead that she have some fruit to which she exclaimed “I don’t know why you always make us eat fresh stuff all the time!”

This prompted an impromptu conversation on health and food groups.  She had touched on diet and food groups in pre-k and kindergarten so was familiar with the groups but not what each group does for our bodies and why each is important.

I decided in order to help her see the balance of what she is eating (and why I push fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks) to make her a Food Chart to keep track of what she eats each day.

The chart is pretty simple, she writes each food she eats then marks whether it is a fruit and vegetable; meat and dairy (protein); Grain; or fat and sugar.  Then at the end of the day she adds up each column to see if she got enough of everything.

It’s really helped us all see what we are putting into our bodies ad helped us to make healthier food choices as a family.  But it’s also helped with her understanding of how to make charts as well as record and interpret data.

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food chart