An Easter Craft a Day: #1

Sugarplum and I had so much fun at our Valentine’s Party doing crafts with friends and enjoying yummy treats and the whole family enjoyed our St. Patrick’s Day party!  I had hoped to do another little gathering for Easter/Spring time but alas, the time time slowly slipped away from me and it’s not going to happen.  But I still wanted to make things we could use for decorations, so Sugarplum and I have been doing a craft a day this week.

Yesterday, she made a cute little bunny with a few basic supplies from around the house:

  • SONY DSCA paper plate
  • A Cottonball
  • A pipecleaner
  • Paper
  • Something to draw with (she wanted to use chalk)
  • A Stapler
  • Glue

Fold the plate in half and staple around, leaving a bit of space at each fold.  Glue a cottonball in one fold.


Cut out ears and color the middles pink and glue on the top.


Fold the pipecleaner 2 or 3 times and twist together then clip folds to make whiskers and glue into other fold.  Draw eyes.


and you’re DONE, A cute and easy little bunny!


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