Attachment Building April

As a mommy of three, I obviously have a lot of experience with little ones, but my experience goes beyond mommying.  Prior to mommyhood, I worked in childcare and was working on my Master’s in Education with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education before and during my first pregnancy and throughout Honeybun’s first year (I graduated 2 months before her first birthday!)  I’ve found my experience and education invaluable as I navigate my mommying journey yet I’ve found it difficult to find the time and methods for sharing my knowledge on Beyond Mommying with my readers!

I’ve decided to start a series of posts focusing on a different area of child development which I will delve into each month in addition to my usual posts, series and rantings.

MM AprilThis first month will be “Attachment Building April” and will focus on a child’s attachment development  with his/her parents, caregivers and other family as they grow, change and venture out into the world on their own.  I’m won’t just be talking about the methods of “Attachment Parenting” which includes things like co-sleeping and baby-wearing, but rather how attachment develops, the many ways you can encourage it and why it is so important.

Tomorrow’s post will cover: What is attachment and why is it important?

You can follow “Attachment Building April” here (or navigate there through the “Monthly Milestones” Category on the sidebar)