Cost of Care

Since returning to Florida over a year ago, I’ve gone through a few job interviews and despite getting a few offers, I’ve yet to take a full-time job.  While being away from my children is a big deciding factor, the main reason I’ve not accepted a position yet is because I’ve not yet been offered a job where the pay would cover the cost of my time.

The two full-time jobs I’ve been offered were both childcare teaching positions, paying no more than $10 per hour.  Here’s the mathematical problem:

Pay rate:  $10/hr x 8 hrs= $80/day; $80/day x 5 days = $400/week

Cost of Child care:  $120/week/child x 2 children = $240/week

Actual take home: $400 – $240 = $160/week

$160/week ÷ 5 days = $32/day ÷ 8 hours = $4/hr

So essentially I’d be earning $4 per hour, that’s less than $8,500 per YEAR and that’s before taxes, other deductions, gas and other expense (like formula if I’m unable to maintain my milk supply through pumping).  That figure is also based on maximum pay and minimum childcare costs (notice I only included 2 children, having to do aftercare for Honeybun in the afternoon would eat even more into my take home pay).  While I realize that amount of money can make a huge difference in the lives of many families, I am fortunate that my family is able to survive without the TINY bit extra and that I am able to continue staying home with my children.

Hubby and I have decided the stress caused by my being out of the house 40+ hours a week is not worth my earning $4 (or less) an hour.  I am fortunate to be able to work teaching dance a few hours a week at a much higher hourly rate and by teaching at night (as I will be in the fall), childcare costs become negligible as hubby will be home to watch the kids.

While I sometimes wish I had a more substantial job outside the home, I am one of those mommys that doesn’t want someone else raising my children.  I want to make sure my children are being taught our families morals and beliefs and not those of other families or a larger establishment.  I want to shape who my children become and while a little extra money would be nice, dealing with the repercussions of full time care is not worth the extra I’d be able to earn right now.



  1. Jen August 8, 2013
    • Melissa August 8, 2013