Lightning and Thunder, Oh My!

We’ve officially entered the rainy season in South Florida which means sudden, torrential downpours with thunder and lightning.  While this has been great for the water level in our pool (which we struggled to keep up all winter), it’s proving a terrifying experience for Sugarplum .

DSC08541 2At the same age (2 ½-3) Honeybun also became terrified of the thunder and it wasn’t until her 4th birthday when we saw the fireworks and I convinced her the thunder was just like fireworks that she got over her fear.  She now understands that thunder can’t hurt us and we are safe from the lightning as long as we are inside somewhere.  She has been great at keeping Sugarplum calm also, relaying the same information I’ve told her and comforting Sugarplum.

Well, yesterday’s nap time was a new frontier for Sugarplum.  The rain started about an hour into her nap and heavy rain is very loud in the girls’ room so Sugarplum was woken up.  She was crying so I knew she was still tired and laid her back down to finish resting.  Cue the downpour ten minutes later and hysterical, terrified screaming from her room.  I waddled to her as fast as I could (hoping desperately she would not wake up Honeybun who naps in a different room).  She immediately went back to her bed but was still very upset. I comforted her and turned on her “fishies” (a water sound machine) to try to drown out the rain.

Of course Honeybun was awoken but I laid her back down too (mommy needs her nap time right now!) which caused uncontrollable sobbing but she recovered.  I thought all was good in the world until another 20 minutes and the thunder started.  Again, terrified screaming from Sugarplum.  Nap time was lost.  Sugarplum came out to snuggle with me and Honeybun joined a minute later.

I’m hoping the scared of thunder phase won’t last as long for Sugarplum as it did for Honeybun.  It’s really hard to explain such intangible things to a small child and it’s heartbreaking to see your child so scared and not be able to assuage their fears.  I’m hoping big sister Honeybun will also be helpful, too, and convince Sugarplum it’s not so bad.  At least they share a room at night so hopefully Honeybun can at least comfort Sugarplum during our midnight thunderstorms (not that I won’t be up anways!)