Category: Birthday Posts

A Labor of Love

Yesterday was spent saying farewell to summer swimming in a lake with about a billion other people. While Labor Day has always marked the unofficial end of summer, it’s even more so here as our …

A Decade Down

Ya’ll today is kind of an exciting day. But also a lot of bit terrifying. This girl: is 10 today! Ten years ago, my sweet Honeybun made me a mommy for the first time and …

Five Things in Five Years

Today my first boy turns five. It’s been one heck of a ride with our Doodle from his unexpectedly large size to his troubles with speech, eczema and food intolerance. And he has, by far, …

Like a Wrecking Ball

My girls are not always that thrilled about having two little brothers. They’re loud, they’re active and they can be wild. And, usually, they have little regard for others’ feelings. Awhile back, Sugarplum lost it …

Sugarplum’s Dancing Unicorns

A few years ago, hubby and I were talking about the kids, life, things. He leaned into to me and said ” sometimes when I’m talking to Sugarplum, it’s like I can see unicorns dancing …

Entering a New Stage, Together

I have a lot of experience with children. In addition to teaching dance, I was also a preschool and infant teacher before becoming a mommy. That is, before Honeybun came along and changed my life …

Four Years Down

Four years ago, I knew nothing about being a mommy to boys. Four years ago, I was handed my third tiny bundle. Four years ago we began a new journey. Last night, I kissed Doodle’s …
To my last child on his first birthday: Will you please always be my baby?

Will You Please Always Be My Baby?

My Sweet Little Pipsqueak, Today you turn one, my big boy! And while I know you are not much different today than you were yesterday, you’ll one day understand how life is about firsts and …

Soaring into Six

I’ve not been quiet about my journey with Sugarplum, my tiny little firecracker whose scream could shatter glass. I’ve shared her fits, our journey and our special bond. She is the epitome of unconditional love. …