Category: Child Development

Fine Motor Skills in the First Year

I’ve already gone over the basics of fine motor skills and development and shared a printable chart to track a child’s general fine motor progress in the first year.  But there is sooo much more …

Defining Fine Motor Skills

Everyone knows about the important gross motor skills: rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, running, jumping.  But gross motor’s cousin, fine motor skills, are not as talked about and are a bit more ambiguous. So what exactly …

Motor Development in the First Year

By far my most popular pin on Pinterest has been my chart on gross motor development.  It has been pinned, repinned and favorited more times than any other pin and is one of the top …

Take a Seonsory Walk

One of my all-time favorite activities when teaching infants and toddlers was sensory walks.  The concept is sooooo simple and while there is a bit of setup and cleanup and the experience can take a …

Widening the Water Table Experience

A water table is a wonderful thing.  Water play is an amazing thing (see my post on water play for more information) and while a water table is not necessary for good water play, it …

Cream Creations

I LOVE shaving cream.  Not so much for actually shaving but definitely for sensory work.  I remember “cleaning” our desks in second grade with shaving cream and  it’s something I’ve done with all my students. …

Jiggely Jell-o

One of my favorite sensory activities to do with young children is playing with jell-o.  It’s multi-sensory since it smells, has a flavor (if they happen to taste test it) and has many touch sensations …

The Power of Play Dough

Ah, the magic of play dough!  Give a kid (or adult) a pile of play dough and watch the magic happen.  Change up the tools to change up the play. Play dough is great for …

Homemade Play Dough

Play dough is surprisingly easy to make and even the kids can help.  As a preschool teacher we used to make play dough with the kids once every few months.  It’s great for helping kids …

Early Sensory Development

Human sensory development starts in the womb and much earlier than one may think.  Touch (tactile System): Babies begin moving in the womb as early as 7 weeks and nerve endings are working by 11 …