Category: Child Development

Introducing solid foods to baby: how and when to introduce what foods and a printable checklist of solid foods to introduce to baby.

Introducing Solid Foods To Baby

I’ve become the ultimate lazy mommy when it comes to feeding baby. I exclusively breastfeed as long as possible (because what’s easier than that?), usually to around 7 months, then begin introducing solid foods to baby. …

Easy Ideas for Teaching the ABCs

Doodle just turned three and is starting to comprehend how it is we read.  And while we are far from starting any kind if homeschooling program with him, I have started working more deliberately on …
Mommying Shouldn't Be This Hard

Mommying Shouldn’t Be This Hard.

It seems these days that being a mommy is just too much for many of us. Motherhood has become exhausting, overwhelming, at times unbearable. We find ourselves doing it all, most of the time on our …

Sensory Play

All of Beyond Mommying’s Posts on Sensory Development and Sensory Play: The Basics of Sensory Development Early Sensory Development Simple Sensory Play Music Activities Playing/Drawing with Cream Jell-o Activities Putting together a Sensory Walk Play-doh …

A European Learning Adventure

Honeybun has had a bit of a disappointing time in life lately.  First we moved her a whole half hour away from her friends.  Then we planned a really awesome trip this summer that she …

Daily Music

I think most parents have heard at some point that exposure to music is important for a child’s developing brain.  And whether you were the type of mommy that played Mozart for your fetus or …

Songs to Sing with Toddlers

If you didn’t know, young children LOVE to sing!  Group time (also known as circle or story time in many preschool classrooms) was always my favorite time of the day when I was a preschool …