Category: Mommy Time

New Parent Advice vs. Reality

Ask anyone and they will surely have a tip or two for new and expecting parents.  A lot of the new parent advice is great and comes from a place of experience and well meaning.  …

My Writing Process

A new blogger friend of mine recently participated in a blogging process blog tour and as part of the tour she needed to nominate other bloggers to participate so I shot my hand up!  Blogging …

Better with Age

Whenever I’ve been out of the dance studio for a while, something magical happens when I return: I can dance amazingly. My legs go higher than they ever have, I can balance well, do a …

No Longer Napping

The day I’ve been dreading since I had Honeybun over 6 years ago finally arrived: we’ve ditched the nap.  While she genuinely needed to continue napping through her kindergarten year (you can read more on …

#TFlatsHemp @TijuanaFlats

A few nights ago Honeybun and I attended a blogger dinner at our local Tijuana Flats where we were able to try some of the great new items they are going to be featuring July …

NaBloPoMo for July 2014

This month I decided to join the NaBloPoMo challenge on BlogHer.  I’ve been active on BlogHer for a while and have even had a few of my posts featured (see which ones here).  It’s a …

UPDATE: Picking a Path

Well, I am happy to report that I no longer feel “stagnant” in life as I did when I originally published “Picking a Path” nearly 5 months ago to the day. My life now feels …

Tippy Toes

So this happened yesterday: For the first time in a long time, I not only took a ballet class, but I did the class en pointe!  Pointe work has always been my “thing.”  My ballet …

Better While Breastfeeding

Things that are actually easier to do while breastfeeding: Clip baby’s nails: I seriously don’t know how I would achieve this feat if I didn’t have both of my hands and his hands and him occupied …