Search Results for: praise

Kids Don’t Give Up Naps, Parents Do

I’ve heard it time and time again since I started working with young children 10 years ago, parents proclaiming “my child gave up napping at 2” (or 3 or whatever).  Whenever I hear these kinds …
What is Developmentally Appropriate?

What is Developmentally Appropriate?

I’ve used the term “developmentally appropriate” quite a few times when talking about young children, typical behavior, milestones and education.  The term is one often used in early childhood education settings to help explain what …
My Little Big Girls

My Little Big Girls

Sugarplum has recently become obsessed with being “big”.  Just this morning at the breakfast table she declared: “Mommy, I’m so big now!  Now the baby can come out.”  Then followed up with “And can I …