Blogging Away

I’ve always considered myself pretty tech savvy but I have also avoided the tech lifestyle as much as possible.  As I shared in “I’m Glad I Found Love Before Technology Took Over the World,” I didn’t jump on the social media bandwagon right away.  It wasn’t until I was married and a mommy that I got involved.  And even then I didn’t go in whole-heartedly.  I avoided pretty much everything as long as possible.

But blogging has forced me to open up these new channels of social media.  Were it not for Beyond Mommying, I would most likely not be on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.  It doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy being involved in these communities, but they’re not something I probably would have pursued on my own.

In fact, I only joined the world of smart phones a few months ago.  And as much as I try not to let technology run my life, this trip has opened my eyes to how connected I actually am despite my hesitation to be hooked to devices.  It’s not that I’m always on my phone or computer, but more that I’m always aware.  Every quiet second I get, I’m checking my e-mail, Facebook, stats and other blog-related entities.

Trying to blog and keep up a social media presence with  non-existent or slow internet access has proven burdensome and difficult.  Not having easy access to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WordPress makes running, growing and engaging a blog very difficult and, frankly, burdensome.

I could have chosen to take a “blog-cation” but I am always hesitant to change my routine.  I feel obligated to you, my readers, to continue sharing content regularly.  And while other aspects of my blogging routine have been put on hold like pinning to Pinterest, regular tweeting and my weekly newsletter, I’ve always tried to post new content daily.

My blog has always been about the writing, the stories, the sharing.  And as my recent works on Mamalode and Huffington Post have proved, that is also my strong point.  Social media has always been a bi-product of writing, a way to get my words out to people.  But posting new content without internet is impossible!  (Yesterday’s “Best Things About Dublin” took nearly 45 minutes to upload on the 1G data connection I’m currently getting on my phone and killed the battery!)

And then there’s the being without my usual devices.  My computer with the built-in SD slot so I can quickly and easily edit and upload new pictures unfortunately didn’t make the baggage weight limit cut-off.  So I’ve been stuck working on my phone or iPad (which is the worst for WordPress, I think!) when I couldn’t get my brand new 2-in-1 to charge while in Dublin!

But I am determined to continue writing, sharing my stories and making blogging work even when I’m away so here I sit at Dunkin Donuts on their free wi-fi while the little ones nap and grandma and grandpa’s house, trying to achieve as much as I can in the wee bit of time I have!  Because for me, it’s not about the engagement on social media, it’s not about the pictures, it’s not about the money, it’s always been about the writing and I hope I can keep it that way!
