
SONY DSC SONY DSCSo I’m totally against putting Christmas lights up before Thanksgiving, but apparently my community doesn’t agree. This was my Facebook status last year: Amazed to see Christmas lights being put up at our neighborhood entrance today. Even more surprised to see Christmas tree tents already set up down the road. November 8th people! What happened to getting through Thanksgiving first?

Then this year, on our way home from our joint birthday dinner on November 1st (November 1st, people!) the lights were already on as we drove home. November 1st! Like, the day after Halloween! I should have known, I saw them putting them up a few weeks before (I had the choice of either walking my children under their cherrypicker spread across the sidewalk or going around into the street and oncoming traffic) but I still didn’t expect them to be ON on November 1st.

Ok, Confession time: We put up our Christmas lights last weekend. <I’ll give you a minute to finish judging me…>

So, here’s the thing…they’re up but we won’t be turning them on until after Thanksgiving. So why did we put them up so early? A few reasons, actually. First, we only have the time to do it on the weekends and (2nd) we’ll be away the weekend after Thanksgiving and (3rd) Thanksgiving is so late this year that if we waited until after Thanksgiving to put them up, it wouldn’t be until December 8th and then we’d only have a little over 2 weeks of lighted bliss before Christmas. So by doing it early, we can flip them on as soon as we’re back and get an extra week of Christmas joy and in Florida, where it’s 80 degrees still, we need all the “feels like Christmas” we can get!


Oh, and by the way, can you belive it’s almost December? December, People!