
I can’t believe my sweet little boy is 20 weeks today!  It’s strange because 20 weeks is such a momentous milestone in a pregnancy , halfway to the end yet 20 weeks of life is just the beginning!  The last 20 weeks of pregnancy  provides a massive amount of growth and development and the first 20 weeks of life are no different.  I’m constantly amazed by all the things my little dude (“Doodle” as I have come to call him) has learned in such a short time.

  • 0904131022aHe is now sitting unsupported, usually tripoding with his hands for support but can sit upright for a small length of time unless he gets too excited and falls over (a small tip of that ginormous head in the wrong direction sure can take baby down fast!)
  • His favorite place to be is in his exersaucer.  We actually bought a 2nd one (one for the play room and one for the TV room) so I don’t have to move it around and he can be happy both places we spend a lot of time.
  • He loves to be held standing and “dance”.  He wobbles around and if you say “Dance, baby, dance!” he’ll usually start singing too!
  • He likes to make “ooooooh” sounds and usually gives himself the hiccups from too much oohing or laughing.
  • He is by far the most social baby I’ve ever known.  He wants everyone around to smile and talk to him and if someone isn’t looking at him he will do what he can to get their attention.
  • His reach and grab has developed very suddenly.  He can now intentionally reach for things, grab them and most of the time get them to his mouth.
  • He has quickly learned cause and effect, he knows which toys make noise and how to make the noise happen.
  • He has something indescribable about him that is so engaging, he just sucks you in and impels you to kiss, hug, smile and love him!