The Most Amazing Gift

I have a ton of friends who have recently had babies or are expecting in the next few months.  It is so exciting for me every time I find out a friend is pregnant and I can’t help but facebook stalk those that I can when I know baby is getting close (wonder If anyone is stalking me…) and I have to gush over every new baby picture that I see.

There is just something so enchanting and amazing about brand new babies.  I can’t explain it but seeing a tiny new being for the first time knowing everything they see (including you) is new is just such an exhilarating experience for me.  Whether it’s my baby or someone else’s, I just can’t help but stare into a tiny baby’s eyes and just become immersed in everything about them from their expressions to their wiggles.

Yeah, ok.  I’m clearly baby obsessed (and not just cause I’m anxiously awaiting my own soon to be).  I’ve been this way for a long time.  When I was working in childcare I always loved the babies best, especially the tiniest ones.  I loved being a part of their exploration, growth and nurturing.  Little babies only really need love and to be able to give a baby just a tiny bit of that is so special to me.

I always try to be respectful of my friends when they have new babies, but I am always secretly dying to see the newest addition and (if mommy is cool with it) get my hands around that sweet little being.  Babies change so quickly and those first few days are so magical.  I remember when Honeybun was born, my dad and I staring down on her as she slept at just a few days old and he said “It’s just amazing.  She will never, ever be this small again.”  And it’s so true.  Every second of every day new babies are growing and changing and will never be the same as they were.


Honeybun and Sugarplum, both at a few days old.  Awe (still melts my heart to think about how tiny, lovable and amazing they were!)