Marriage is Not One Size Fits All

Every relationship has its ups and downs and mine has certainly had its share. My husband and I don’t always see eye to eye, we argue and break pretty much every relationship rule you will ever find on the internet.

But if I could give newlyweds one simple piece of advice it would be: screw the rules.

Love is not a one size fits all thing and just as people grow and change, so do relationships.

Almost 15 years together, too many long-distance moves to take the time to count and 4 kids later, my marriage looks nothing like the new love I was engrossed in 14 years ago. But it’s okay because the thing that hasn’t changed is the unquestioned love with have for each other.

Sure, love doesn’t solve all problems but for us, just knowing the love is still (and always will be) there gets us through most things.

And part of what keeps our marriage afloat is not getting caught up in the rules and expectations of others. And one of the things we ignore is how we show our love and appreciation.

My husband hasn’t gotten me any birthday presents as long as I can remember and I’m still waiting on the diamond earrings he promised me four Valentine’s Days ago when I was pregnant with Doodle, but it’s okay…

Read More on Red Tricycle.