My Thankful List 2015

It’s that time of year when everyone talks about what they’re thankful for and while I haven’t done a November thankful list in past years, 2015 was a beautifully eventful year and I have so much to be thankful for!


I am thankful for my husband whose endless love and hard work has provided so much for our family.  I am thankful for his work ethic and his constant drive to do better and do more.  I am thankful for his commitment to both his job and our family and the amazing way he manages to balance both.  I am thankful for the way he helps out around the house so I can spend my days loving, teaching and actually enjoying our children while they are small.  I am thankful for his stupid jokes (and the inappropriate ones, too!) and how my children rush to the door screaming “daddy’s home!!!” each and every night.

I am thankful for Honeybun who gets bigger and better every day.  I am thankful for how helpful she is around the house and with managing her brothers and sister.  I am thankful that I get to witness her learning journey and that together we are figuring out a system for making her love learning.  I am thankful that while she is sometimes too hard on herself, she constantly strives to do her best and is growing by leaps and bounds in her dance and gymnastics classes.  I am thankful that she is starting to manage her frustration more appropriately and is learning from her prior mistakes.

I am thankful for Sugarplum and all the silliness she brings to our world.  I am thankful for how fast she is picking up on reading and basic math and that she takes pride in mastering new concepts.  I am thankful that her hard work and natural ability has put her on a challenging path in gymnastics and that in her own words she is “just so good at it!” I am thankful that she is having fewer melt-downs, that they are less severe and that she is starting to control them just a little bit.

I am thankful for Doodle who is my snuggle bug and a bonafide mommy’s boy.  I am thankful that he adores his sisters and brother endlessly.  I am thankful that he has made positive progress with his food sensitivities as well as his speech and is becoming more social and brave every day.

I am thankful for Pipsqueak who I call my “happy place” because his never-ending smiles and snuggliness always ease my stress.  I am thankful that he is strong and happy and that he is adored by all.  I am thankful for the way he has brought balance to our family of high-strung and strong-willed children.

I am thankful for my parents who provide continuous, unquestioned support.  I am thankful they are around to be a part of my children’s lives and are ready to help any time in any way.

I am thankful for my extended family like my sister, in-laws, cousins and aunt and uncles who provide constant, unwavering love to my children.  I am thankful for so many wonderful people in our lives.

I am thankful for our homeschool community in which we have finally started to find a place to fit in after a slow start.  I am thankful for the support our homeschooling friends provide as well as the social opportunities for my children.  I am thankful that I am able to provide for my children’s academic needs at home so they can simply enjoy their friends when we are out with our friends.

I am thankful for my local friends and neighbors who are always there to help us in a bind and always up for a get together, cup of coffee or lunch.

I am thankful for my far away friends who share my struggles and joys and are always happy to see us when the opportunity arises.  I am thankful to know and be in touch with so many different people of different backgrounds because each of them has made my world a brighter, better place.

I am thankful for our new home and to finally have a yard where my children can safely run around and play.  I am thankful for all the things that fill our home and remind us of family lost and memories made.

I am thankful for this year’s adventures including our first family trip to Washington, D.C. and our return to Dublin.  I am thankful for spending time with family, friends and seeing new things both near and far.

I am thankful for the continued health and happiness for those around me and strength and perseverance for those who who faced health problems this year.  I am thankful for the health professionals and modern technology which has provided new hope and a better life for many, most especially my father-in-law who faces a bright 2016!

And mostly, I am thankful for another year with my family and friends.