A Day in the Life: Homeschool

I’ve been wanting to do another Day in the Life post since starting homeschool.  I was waiting for a “normal” day but things kept coming up.  Then I realized there is no typical day in our homeschool lives! Every day is different.  Everyday has a different schedule, different events, different tasks.  No two days are ever alike and that is one of the things I love about it.  Our days are totally flexible. No schedule to follow, no time table.  Complete freedom to do what we want when we want.

Our day yesterday, a “typical” Wednesday:

6:30 Trying to wake up so I can get Doodle

6:45 Nursing Doodle and reading an article about flying with children

7:00 Making breakfast

7:15 Eating breakfast

7:30 Working on a blog post

7:45 Discussing journal with Honeybun and what she should write about

8:00 Nursing Doodle, working on blog post

8:15 Finding pictures for blog post

8:30 Putting Doodle down for nap

8:45 Doing spelling with girls

9:00 Still doing spelling with girls

9:15 Renaming blog pictures

9:30 Helping Sugarplum find her gymnastics shorts

9:45 Helping Honeybun with her reading comprehension work

10:00 Getting dressed

10:15 Getting everyone loaded in the car

10:30 Bandaging Sugarplum’s foot, chatting with a friend at gymnastics

wpid-IMAG1565.jpg10:45 Nursing Doodle and helping Honeybun with her math work

11:00 Chatting with a friend

11:15 Getting ready to head home

11:30 Preparing lunch

11:45 Eating lunch

12:00 Cleaning up lunch

12:15 Nursing Doodle

12:30 Reading a book with Sugarplum

12:45 Getting ready to leave

1:00 Driving to a homeschoolers meet up at the park

1:15 Pushing Doodle on the swings

1:30 Helping Doodle on the slide

wpid-IMAG1568.jpg1:45 Watching Doodle climb and talking with the girls about playing with the other kids

2:00 Resting a minute and having some water

2:15 Pushing Doodle on the swing

2:30 Chatting with other mommies

2:45 Watching Doodle throw a fit

3:00 Driving home

3:15 Still driving home (school zones, ugh!)

3:30 Having a snack and nursing Doodle

3:45 Showering

4:00 Talking to Honeybun about what she could do during nap time

4:15 Watching Awkward and renaming my blog pictures

4:30 Watching Awkward and renaming blog pictures

4:45 Watching 19 Kids and Counting and renaming blog pictures

5:00 Nursing Doodle and talking to our Realtor

wpid-wp-1414669328250.jpg5:15 Looking at Honeybun’s drawing she made during nap time

5:30 Getting the mail to distract Doodle from his screaming

5:45 Trimming Doodle’a nails

6:00 Putting laundry in the dryer

6:15 Looking through my dresses

6:30 Getting Doodle dressed in his Halloween costume

6:45 Loading up the car

7:00 Driving to a Halloween festival

SONY DSC7:15 Wandering the festival

7:30 Taking pictures

7:45 Waiting to get out of the parking lot

8:00 Eating dinner

8:15 Getting girls ready for bed

8:30 Nursing Doodle and checking email

8:45 Trying to figure out what the heck tsu is!

9:00 Putting Doodle to bed

9:15 Playing Frozen Freefall, watching House of Cards

9:30 Playing Frozen Freefall, watching House of Cards

9:45 Checking into Facebook

10:00 Getting ready for bed

10:15 Asleep!

(to be awoken at 6:06 this morning by a hungry Doodle…and off we go again!)