Evening Escapades

We have yet to establish any kind of real schedule or routine in life, but one thing has become a constant in our day: Doodle’s evening fussing.

SONY DSCFrom the time he wakes up from his afternoon nap until we sit down for dinner, he is a disaster. Even after nursing. Even after a snack. He just can’t handle it.

He follows me around screaming, clinging to me, clawing at me. I try to distract him with toys or get the girls to help entertain him but he’s not interested.

I can usually calm him down by taking him outside but we can’t stay outside all evening. He’ll usually calm down if I hold him but he’s getting big and heavy and if I sit with him, he flips. Plus I have things to do, like make dinner for the whole family. Including him.

I find myself waiting anxiously to get the text from hubby that he’s finally coming home so I can start counting down the minutes. 35 of them.

It’s these minutes when mommying is not just hard but overwhelming.  When I wish I was the kind of mommy who put her kids in public school, preschool, childcare so they could “learn” and I could have some time for myself.

SONY DSCBut then we come to the morning time and everyone wakes up with a fresh head and better mood and I can see why it’s all worth it.  Why I keep them home with me and teach them myself.  And why I love being a mommy.