First Film

I’m not a big fan of TV for children (see “My Mommy Magic” for my reasons why) and until yesterday, my children had never been to the movies.  We’ve waited to take the kids because we wanted to make sure they were mature enough to handle it.  For us this means being able to sit (in their chair or on our laps) quietly without getting bored, needing to go potty or wanting to get up and move around for the entire length of the movie.  We also have two very curious girls who regularly ask questions about what is happening when experiencing new things and we didn’t want to be talking through the entire movie.

We had originally planned to go over Thanksgiving weekend but Sugarplum lost all control of herself and we decided she wasn’t ready to go.  My mom and I took the girls to their first Nutcracker before Christmas and aside from the show being late and the girls (especially Sugarplum) being exhausted by the end, they did great so we decided to take advantage of the long weekend and went to see Frozen.  We went to an early showing with my parents and all 3 kids (yes, Doodle went too!) did great.

IMG-20140120-00047Honeybun sat through the entire thing, without moving, only belly laughing too loud.  Sugarplum did well too, she lap hopped a little bit and got bored at times but for a kid who can’t sit still at home for more than 10 minutes, I’m really proud of how she did.  Doodle was the tough one but not bad at all.  I took him in hungry and he nursed during the previews then watched the old-school Mickey Mouse cartoon, giggling.  He wasn’t that into Frozen though he did like some of the songs but mostly quietly played, going between my lap and my mom’s.  About ¾ in he got sleepy so I nursed him again and he slept almost until the end.

I think the girls really liked the movie though Honeybun ended up hysterical crying when the credits came on and we’re still not sure why.  She said she was scared of the white snow monster but she didn’t seem scared when he was on an was laughing at things after so I’m not sure why she lost it when the movie was over.

I have to say, I’m really glad Frozen was their first movie theater movie.  I can’t really say if they’ll remember it or not (Honeybun probably will but I don’t know about Sugarplum) but the message was just too perfect.  (If you haven’t seen it and want to be surprised, STOP READING NOW!)

As the end approached and Anna waited for Kristoff, in my head I kept thinking “It’s her sister!  The act of true love should be with Elsa!”  And I was right and I cried.  And I am so happy to share that moment with my girls because I know the importance of family and cherish my sister dearly and want my girls to always cherish each other as well.  I don’t know if they got the message or not, but a mommy can hope!