Mommy Brain

So for those who have never been pregnant or who haven’t been around pregnant people, there’s this weird phenomenon known as “baby brain”.  The theory (obviously thought up by a man…maybe because the women couldn’t remember to come up with a theory?) is that the woman’s body is working so hard on other functions while pregnant that blood is diverted from the brain and therefore the mother can’t remember and process as well as she typically would.

<Insert 24 hour break in which I abandoned writing and forgot what I was writing about>

Basically what it really means is pregnant mommies can be extremely forgetful.

<Insert 5 hour break after which I can’t remember what I wanted to say>

Bottom line:  pregnant mommies forget.  A lot.  Like all the time.

Me, I’m not the lose my car keys type of forgetful mommy, I’m more the forget what the heck I was doing and/or what my purpose in life is type of mommy.

Some examples:

  • I sat down at my computer to send an email 3 times one day and didn’t get it sent (forgot why I went to the computer in the first place all 3 times).
  • What day is today?  I actually made myself a calendar so I know what day it is and what I have to do each day.
  • Whose turn is it?  Did Honeybun play a card last or did I?
  • What example was I just going to write?
  • Nearly every time I leave the house now I have to go back in because I forgot something (this phenomenon actually started when we were in Colorado, just ask my Dad who witnessed my constant in and out!)
  • When addressing an envelope this morning I couldn’t remember my own address (Hey!  It’s only been 9 months!)
  • Honeybun’s school payment is due on Thursday, I never get it in before Monday and usually it’s more like Wednesday (in which case I usually pay for the next week too…so really I’m only late half the time)
  • More than once I’ve gone to the store to get something we really need and forgot to grab my coupons for the item

BUT, I have never, ever, ever, while pregnant or not forgotten my children.  I have never left them in the car, I have never forgotten to collect Honeybun from school, I have never forgotten to take them with me when I was supposed to.  I guess some things are just too important to forget!